Loving the game so far! I just realized I made my comment in the devlog post so I'll repost my comment here.
I think it'd be cool if there was a "GoPro" cam that faces the Ghost Girls as they are chasing you or when any of them gets caught. Just so we can get a good look at them while they are chasing the player or getting a good shot of their expressions when they get caught.
I love the game. My only problem is in Pac-Maam that the ghosts from previous areas chase you around the level ending with a bunch of like 100 ghosts chasing you without letting me enjoy the puzzles, it's not very fun. In the end I ended up using the ghosts to do super jumps to walk above the stage. I loved the animations in the game and it controls pretty well.
Game is great and actually just plain old fun! I however, don't understand how you're supposed to "win" against the ghosts? Probably add something to let the player know how to unlock the scenes aside from just "Win Against _ in _"
Game's bugged. Got 150k and the red orb 3 times on Spiral Maze, and whenever I try to catch one of the ghosts it sort of gets you into a "win-lose" screen, the sound it makes is because you won, and there's the loss screen. The dev will fix it tho.
I figured as much. I actually got the win too, got the final orb and I couldn't do anything. Ghosts couldn't catch me either, but could still get points.
I've been waiting for the update for a while, happy to see it.
I would also love to leave my feedback, well...
The game has some glitches and bugs that I managed to notice, like some already mentioned in the comments on the gallery, the models also have problems, like the clothes clipping sometimes and the jiggle physics need to be toned down. I also noticed several FPS drops in Pac-Maam, but I don't know if it's a problem with the game or my computer.
And I'd also love to know, are there any plans to make an actual Pac-Man model? He stands out a lot in a bad way, and I know his size can make some people uncomfortable because he looks too much like a shota.
i love the new version but i got some issues most of scenes aren't saved in my gallery and for some reason i can only see 1 animation of Inky for both classic and spiral maze and and the enemies in pac-maam follow you even after the jump i would appreciate it if you could fix it but ofc take your time, no pressure :)
Catching the ghosts when you have a power pellet boosts both the game speed and the amount of points you get per pellet. The key is to get as few pellets as you can at first until you can get that number up a bit. Also, when you catch them the ghosts are worth more points relative to how long the train behind them is.
Awesome game, as feedback I can say that I think it would be nice to have some kind of feedback for when your invulnerability is about to run out, so the player can know if they have enough time
prettyn good optimized, good plot, and pretty much a good game, the porn factor get a little forced, this coul perfectly be a pacman game without the things wich make it a eroge, tremenda obra maestra 20/10 y god
Found a bug. if you collect the final power pellet and hit the girls with the stun bomb and then grab them, it won't play the falling down animation or allow you to select them for the lewd animation. not sure if it had been reported or not yet.
Okay so first of all, I really appreciate you making the game a LOT easier in this new update. The previous version's difficulty was fucking BRUTAL for a porn game, but I still managed to finish it earlier.
Big fan of the new scenes, looking forward to seeing the cum actually stick to the character model all proper (because sometimes they phase through the ghosts' bodies)
I had around 52k high score from when I had beaten the game earlier so it only took me winning one more game to unlock that last scene in the gallery. But in that Animation Recollection, is it possible to access Inky? Or can you only see the animations for Blinky atm?
Furthermore, it would be massive if you could add in more gallery scenes (like threesomes) for harder challenges e.g.
Finish the game without using power pellets
Finish the game without using bombs
Finish the game without losing a single life
and so on.
Everything seems a lot more polished than the previous version, love how the music dies down at the end to help you focus and the lights get dimmer to indicate that shit has gotten real. No more getting stuck on the stairs either!
Just found 1 bug: The music volume does not change alongside the other sounds when the volume is adjusted from the Options menu. Nearly killed my ears when the round started one time.
Other than that, amazing update! Keep up the good work.
so, theres this locked scene in gallery that requires 50k points to unlock? even with all small ghosts it goes up to 37190, is there a way to get to 50k?
The game is great! love the gallery scenes and the gameplay. How do you get a higher score though? I've managed to get all the pellets and cap out around 36k. is it speed?
This game is amazing, although the bug of the stairs is annoying, the rest is very well polished, the control of the jumps is very good and the direction of the player is also, I am eager to support the project, thanks for making a game based on the ghost girl.
here is a little help for those who struggle with the game.
there are only 4 power up. when you get blinky naked with fruits censor that's it.
the little green ghost are power up for blinky, when you get close to them they turn yellow. when blinky get close to a yellow, they turn red and boost blinky speed. when you strip blinky, all red ghost disappear and blinky get slow again.
when you eat enough dots (score should be around 30K) the remaining ones get a yellow light to locate them easily.
eating all dots stop blinky, allowing you to look at her without dying. also, it allow you to peak around the censor.
the stair are located at the center of the map (mostly)
hope that'll help you all
and for the dev, love your game, i hope to see more content in the future
(edited again) sadly i was not recording this run and i dont know how but somehow i pulled off a sub 4 minutes with a time of 3:45:70... and sadly this clip i made immediatly after the run is the only proof i have and so far i've been unable to replicate it.
(looking forward to see this very neat and fun game grow and keep up the good work Hexdev!)
SO the big problem is that the aim is to collect the dots but the incentive is to strip Blinky.
my first few plays i wasted all my power ups stripping her then dying because i though i had to find more.
the problem is once i got it the game is too large and dot hunting becomes monotonous.
making the stage more see though might help, in OG pac-man you always knew where the dots were and where to go to pick them up, not so much in a 3d maze game.
the goal of most player will be to see the pretty girl naked, so the fact that you strip her then immediately she runs away is counter intuitive. maybe collecting enough dot lets the player stun her? either for easier chomping or to ogle her?
lastly one hit death is a bit of a ball breaker considering how much there is to collect, and i can only image it getting worse as more ghosts are added.
Took me a few attempts (holy crap Blinky runs fast) but managed to finish a run at 8:09:27 but gonna try pushing it lower (was panicking and kept falling off the high ground as a result haha)
Sorry for being late with the reply and you properly already figured it out by now but there's 4 Power Orbs and hundreds of dots in the maze, your main goal is to collect evry single dot in the maze and to assist you with finding the last ones they will start to release a small light upwards when you reach about 30500 score.
the Power Orbs are mainly to fend of Blinky and removing the train of ghosts behind her aswell as removing a piece of clothing when you touch her. (and gives you 200 points when you do so.)
← Return to game
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Its funny and hard fr
Is there any way to hack the game Pac-8 Museum
Loving the game so far! I just realized I made my comment in the devlog post so I'll repost my comment here.
I think it'd be cool if there was a "GoPro" cam that faces the Ghost Girls as they are chasing you or when any of them gets caught. Just so we can get a good look at them while they are chasing the player or getting a good shot of their expressions when they get caught.
Can you make it so the ghosts don't chase you to the ends of the earth in pac-maam? Also please add cheakpoints
i think that the game might be buged on the win because even after i collect the red pellet i cant interact with either of the girls
yeah, when i catch a girl i actually get a game over screen
Hope female pov will be added into gallery,free cam is hard to do that.
how do i win classic maze against blinky and inky 🤔
I love the game. My only problem is in Pac-Maam that the ghosts from previous areas chase you around the level ending with a bunch of like 100 ghosts chasing you without letting me enjoy the puzzles, it's not very fun. In the end I ended up using the ghosts to do super jumps to walk above the stage. I loved the animations in the game and it controls pretty well.
Game is great and actually just plain old fun! I however, don't understand how you're supposed to "win" against the ghosts? Probably add something to let the player know how to unlock the scenes aside from just "Win Against _ in _"
Game's bugged. Got 150k and the red orb 3 times on Spiral Maze, and whenever I try to catch one of the ghosts it sort of gets you into a "win-lose" screen, the sound it makes is because you won, and there's the loss screen. The dev will fix it tho.
I figured as much. I actually got the win too, got the final orb and I couldn't do anything. Ghosts couldn't catch me either, but could still get points.
I've been waiting for the update for a while, happy to see it.
I would also love to leave my feedback, well...
The game has some glitches and bugs that I managed to notice, like some already mentioned in the comments on the gallery, the models also have problems, like the clothes clipping sometimes and the jiggle physics need to be toned down. I also noticed several FPS drops in Pac-Maam, but I don't know if it's a problem with the game or my computer.
And I'd also love to know, are there any plans to make an actual Pac-Man model? He stands out a lot in a bad way, and I know his size can make some people uncomfortable because he looks too much like a shota.
But yeah, that's my opinion, keep it up, champ!
Thx for playing! The model is just a placeholder for now and i'll be releasing a fix update with some content soon before I add in Pinky :)
i love the new version but i got some issues
most of scenes aren't saved in my gallery and for some reason i can only see 1 animation of Inky for both classic and spiral maze and
and the enemies in pac-maam follow you even after the jump
i would appreciate it if you could fix it but ofc take your time, no pressure :)
It's been a while!!
Huge gamedev W
come back...please...
guess what
Really good game! When comes the next updat?
Edit: Game walkthrough?
Edit 2: I have 2 times level 0 won! When comes out level 1? Or new levels? And the other "gohsts"? Clydi and the other I miss!
the walk cycle should be a behind the scenes thing or something
not something you unlock for having a score over 10k or 15k
how do you get 150000 score
Catching the ghosts when you have a power pellet boosts both the game speed and the amount of points you get per pellet. The key is to get as few pellets as you can at first until you can get that number up a bit. Also, when you catch them the ghosts are worth more points relative to how long the train behind them is.
thanks and can you tell me what's the scene behind the 150k is it just the inky character or something else?
Honestly I didn't bother because that's what I assumed it was.
yeah thats just the inky walk cycle
Awesome game, as feedback I can say that I think it would be nice to have some kind of feedback for when your invulnerability is about to run out, so the player can know if they have enough time
prettyn good optimized, good plot, and pretty much a good game, the porn factor get a little forced, this coul perfectly be a pacman game without the things wich make it a eroge, tremenda obra maestra 20/10 y god
How to vote in the polls? Is it on the Patreon?
Just checked, yeah its on the patreon. Cool!
My headphones emit a screeching electrical sound when the project is turned on, which may be a bug.
Found a bug. if you collect the final power pellet and hit the girls with the stun bomb and then grab them, it won't play the falling down animation or allow you to select them for the lewd animation. not sure if it had been reported or not yet.
Okay so first of all, I really appreciate you making the game a LOT easier in this new update. The previous version's difficulty was fucking BRUTAL for a porn game, but I still managed to finish it earlier.
Big fan of the new scenes, looking forward to seeing the cum actually stick to the character model all proper (because sometimes they phase through the ghosts' bodies)
I had around 52k high score from when I had beaten the game earlier so it only took me winning one more game to unlock that last scene in the gallery. But in that Animation Recollection, is it possible to access Inky? Or can you only see the animations for Blinky atm?
Furthermore, it would be massive if you could add in more gallery scenes (like threesomes) for harder challenges e.g.
and so on.
Everything seems a lot more polished than the previous version, love how the music dies down at the end to help you focus and the lights get dimmer to indicate that shit has gotten real. No more getting stuck on the stairs either!
Just found 1 bug: The music volume does not change alongside the other sounds when the volume is adjusted from the Options menu. Nearly killed my ears when the round started one time.
Other than that, amazing update! Keep up the good work.
so, theres this locked scene in gallery that requires 50k points to unlock? even with all small ghosts it goes up to 37190, is there a way to get to 50k?
Will post a hotfix for that soon with some additional changes :)
come back....pleaase...
Any tips to get higher scores? I only get around 36k
The game is great! love the gallery scenes and the gameplay. How do you get a higher score though? I've managed to get all the pellets and cap out around 36k. is it speed?
How to win? I can't found last powerup
Android version please
This game is amazing, although the bug of the stairs is annoying, the rest is very well polished, the control of the jumps is very good and the direction of the player is also, I am eager to support the project, thanks for making a game based on the ghost girl.
The game literally cheated me out of victory by getting me stuck on stairs multiple times when I was 648/650.
That needs fixing. Otherwise, had a lot of fun. Got me raging lmao
An FOV slider would also be good. I feel like controlling the jumps gets extremely difficult when your speed increases.
the models are very good
here is a little help for those who struggle with the game.
there are only 4 power up. when you get blinky naked with fruits censor that's it.
the little green ghost are power up for blinky, when you get close to them they turn yellow. when blinky get close to a yellow, they turn red and boost blinky speed. when you strip blinky, all red ghost disappear and blinky get slow again.
when you eat enough dots (score should be around 30K) the remaining ones get a yellow light to locate them easily.
eating all dots stop blinky, allowing you to look at her without dying. also, it allow you to peak around the censor.
the stair are located at the center of the map (mostly)
hope that'll help you all
and for the dev, love your game, i hope to see more content in the future
(looking forward to see this very neat and fun game grow and keep up the good work Hexdev!)
since you make adult games, what if you make a game involving naked girls in a nudist beach/resort and will be third person perspective?
SO the big problem is that the aim is to collect the dots but the incentive is to strip Blinky.
my first few plays i wasted all my power ups stripping her then dying because i though i had to find more.
the problem is once i got it the game is too large and dot hunting becomes monotonous.
making the stage more see though might help, in OG pac-man you always knew where the dots were and where to go to pick them up, not so much in a 3d maze game.
the goal of most player will be to see the pretty girl naked, so the fact that you strip her then immediately she runs away is counter intuitive. maybe collecting enough dot lets the player stun her? either for easier chomping or to ogle her?
lastly one hit death is a bit of a ball breaker considering how much there is to collect, and i can only image it getting worse as more ghosts are added.
Oh! I literally didn't know that was the goal.
Hex Dev, maybe a minimap in the corner of the screen?
Pretty good game, but i can only get Blinky to Fruit/Nude then i can't find anymore power-up orbs
I feel like I'm missing one of the power-up orbs. I get Blinky down to nude, but then I just wander until I get caught and die.
Took me a few attempts (holy crap Blinky runs fast) but managed to finish a run at 8:09:27 but gonna try pushing it lower (was panicking and kept falling off the high ground as a result haha)
Keep up the good work Hexdev!
How did you do it successfully? I feel like there's a missing Power Orb. Do you have to catch her twice in one Orb?
Sorry for being late with the reply and you properly already figured it out by now but there's 4 Power Orbs and hundreds of dots in the maze, your main goal is to collect evry single dot in the maze and to assist you with finding the last ones they will start to release a small light upwards when you reach about 30500 score.
the Power Orbs are mainly to fend of Blinky and removing the train of ghosts behind her aswell as removing a piece of clothing when you touch her. (and gives you 200 points when you do so.)